Early Morning Wishes

I remember thinking how crazy it was when my grandparents said they were in bed by eight and up by five. Now, I’m most likely the age they were then and carrying on their legacy as I struggle to stay awake until nine and usually wake between four and five (although owning a coffee shop/cafe helps reset your inner time clock).

It just seems to be the purest time of day. This morning is a gift with snow on the ground, a warm fire, and the slightest hint of daybreak through the windows ... and I quietly reflect ...

I wish this world peace. I wish hearts would soften and empty of hate, paranoia, anger, sadness, and contempt, to name a few. I wish politics and policies took a backseat to humanity. I pray the better angels in us appear and meet anger with kindness, fear with love, and sadness with a smile. And I pray I focus on loving well the ones in front of me when they cross my path. I pray daily I succeed to “beat my sword into a plowshare” and create “ground” that is ready for seeds and growth. I pray my words do not shame, but lift up, do not harm, but heal.

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