Better Than Good

Dr. Mark Gilbert, our MD Anderson neuro-oncologist, said Mike's MRI results is, "better than good - they're fantastic!"

The two places they thought were tumors being suppressed by the chemotherapy are actually fading now. This means they're 90 percent sure they're NOT tumors, but necrosis from cancer that was destroyed by radiation/chemo post surgery. The tumor bed area is almost completely faded - meaning inflammation is gone and the scarring is healed.

Mike will continue a week of chemotherapy monthly until the end of the year and then only bi-monthly MRIs for the next year. Dr. Gilbert is moving to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD and we plan to move with him for ongoing scans while keeping our primary local care with Dr. Brian Geister at INTEGRIS. 

This will be our last trip to Houston and MD Anderson for now. It was bittersweet leaving as I reflected on all the people who teamed to save Mike's life, the halls I walked, the angels I met, and the dear souls seeking a cure. 

We will mark exactly one year next week from when this chapter in our lives started. Mike is moving into the 25 percent who are the exception of surviving without a reoccurrence the first 12 months following surgery with Glioblastoma Multiforme. Life is different, but not in all ways that are difficult. What a gift to truly know what it means to take one day at a time.

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