Neurosurgeon Consult

​We met with Dr. Amy Heimberger at MD Anderson this morning. We were immediately comfortable with her personally and are completely confident with her professionally. She confirmed the “abnormality” is in the frontal cortex of Mike's left temporal lobe.

The plan is he will have a busy Friday with a battery of tests including cognitive MRIs and mapping of that area of my brain. These tests will enable the neurosurgeon to be as specific as possible with the resection as well as monitor Mike's progress during surgery. Surgery will be Monday morning. Mike has elected to be conscious allowing the doctors to talk to him and test his skills during surgery. The surgery will take approximately four hours.

Dr. Heimberger believes the resection is important to be able to conduct pathology on the entire area versus a biopsy. By Monday afternoon, we should know exactly what we are dealing with as well as begin to develop the plan for treatments afterward. I suspect we’ll be in Houston most of next week as well. Your prayers and word of encouragement are being felt.

​Specific prayer is for peace, a successful surgery, and complete healing. I also cannot ask for prayer for our family without asking you to lift up all the unnamed people we saw at the hospital today … so many ages, nationalities, and individuals fighting a horrible disease. They are all in various stages and my heart just broke for them.
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