Canadian Thanksgiving
October 12th, 2015
​Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Last year I was seated at this joyful table, in a beautiful house, overlooking a magnificent landscape, breaking bread and enjoying wine with old and new friends I co...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
What If The Trials Are His Mercies In Disguise
October 7th, 2015
​Two years ago today, Michael underwent surgery at MD Anderson to remove a small, but malignant brain tumor. We learned from pathology reports it was an incurable grade four cancer. His diagnosis was ...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
September 22nd, 2015
​When you’re pregnant, you pick up the classic “What To Expect When You’re Expecting.” Once the baby arrives, there’s the “What To Expect The First Five Years.” To help you plan a wedding there are gu...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
Not Right Now
August 16th, 2015
I’ve been needing to write about what I haven’t wanted to acknowledge… I’m sad AND angry.  I’ve never done well with either emotion. I’m a fixer, I fix things. I’m also not a fan of pain. Who is, I g...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
July 18th, 2015
​It was another first this week when I didn't travel home from an "adventure" with Michael or he wasn't happily waiting to pick me up at the airport. Overall, I did much better than I expected other t...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
Option B?
July 12th, 2015
Shortly before Michael died, Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg ended 30 days of intense mourning for her husband who passed suddenly the month before. She penned one of the most moving, impactful and...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
"Things I want to teach..."
July 6th, 2015
​With the sunrise three weeks ago today Michael flew to heaven. It feels like three lifetimes. His gift to me over the weekend was finding three more of his journals he had safely tucked away.  I alw...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
Where Was The Miracle?
June 25th, 2015
The solution seemed simple to me. God would perform a miraculous healing of Michael from the deadliest form of brain cancer here on earth. As believers, we would give Him all the praise, live our live...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
Survive The Unsurvivable
June 21st, 2015
​When I reflect on the outpouring of support and love for our family this week on so many levels in so many ways, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and these words from Anne Lamott capture the collecti...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
A Year Later I Bury My Husband
June 19th, 2015
​Our view a year ago today as we took what now was our last family vacation. We were departing OKC at sunrise with a large storm moving in. I could NEVER have imagined a year later I would be burying ...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
Fix Our Eyes On The Unseen
June 18th, 2015
​This is a photo I've never shared, but I look at constantly... Michael smiling at me from his hospital bed on Sept. 27, 2013, after we were told he had a cancerous brain tumor. We still didn't know t...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black
He is with God
June 15th, 2015
I've heard it said "the price of great love is great misery when one of you dies." But I would pay that price over and over again no matter how painful it feels now to have the great love that came in...  Read More
by Lori Dickinson Black